a photo zoomed in to a wheelchair being unpacked. Two women hold each side of the wheelchair while removing plastic covering

Maui Medical Loan Closet

How it Works

Browse the inventory and select what you need.

While this looks like a “storefront”, each item is completely free. Please select the item you want and then indicate whether you prefer delivery or pickup at our Central Maui location. We will reach out to you to coordinate.

Take what you need and return if/when you don’t need it anymore.

Why We’re Here…

After the Aug 7th Maui fires, Kelea Foundation jumped into action to help our community replace lost durable medical equipment and advocate for accessible services and shelters. Since then, we have received and coordinated hundred of donations from all over Hawaii & the US.

Our goal is to create a centralized system to distribute this donated equipment. Each persons’ needs for equipment widely varies. For this reason, we have put together a database for those in need to browse and select items they need.

We have several special needs in our community. Please visit our support page to donate one of these items.

If you are in need of a specific item not listed in our inventory, please reach out.

A woman stands looking down at a rollator walker with a box held over her head. She has just unpacked a new donation to the loan closet and is smiling

Get Connect with other services…

Na HoAloha

Supporting seniors in Maui County with various services including:

  • Friendly Visitor Program

  • Telephone Reassurance Program

  • Transportation Service Program

  • In-home Respite Program

  • Fall Prevention Program

    Click Here to Learn More

Kelea Foundation

Kelea Foundation works to make recreation and the outdoors accessible to all. Our programs include camps and workshops for women and girls as well as Adaptive ocean recreation activities and community building events.

Since the Maui fires, we have been working to support the disability community through advocacy, donation management and community based problem solving.

Click Here for More Information

Adaptive Maui

Adaptive Maui works to make recreation and the outdoors more accessible to all of Maui County. They host ocean days, support individual recreational goals and rent out recreational equipment.

Click here to learn more